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Welcome to the PIC Homepage!

The Sprouting SA&FS Capstone group is excited to bring you the debut of the Peer Internship Coordinator (PIC)!


The PIC  will:

  • assist students in finding internships, descreasing confusion about internships

  • aid the Academic Adviser in overseeing student completion of the internship requirement

  • address further areas in which SA&FS students need support in completing their internship units


The PIC will intern for two continguous quarters, Fall through Winter, and Spring through Summer. If you would like to be our next PIC, click the top button on the right!


If you are a student seeking internship assistance, click the bottom button on the right or go to the SA&FS Internship Page found here.

"As a Peer Internship Coordinator (PIC), you will gain in-depth knowledge about the internship process and be trusted by SA&FS track and academic advisers to guide students..." For more information on becoming a PIC click the button below.

“I absolutely think the PIC will be helpful. Most students find out about internships through word of mouth, but I think being able to have an actual advisor that is only focusing on internships would be really awesome. Because internships are a huge part of the major--the  best part of the major--so knowing all the opportunities before you have to decide what to do will be really helpful.”

-Lexi Fuji, Track II

The SAF 092/192 Application Form is needed for all SA&FS internship units to be counted towards graduation. Click the button to view and dowload the form prior to the beginning of your internship!

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