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CSA Recommendations

Community Supported Academics (CSA) is a unique community comprised of students, faculty and other stakeholders within the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SA&FS) major at the University of California, Davis.  All individual stakeholders are known as “veggies” who together form the CSA “veggie box".

To Our Clients

We recommend continuing to be approachable assets for the community

  • Respond to all emails in a timely manner

  • Attend all meetings scheduled with the peer advising team

  • Advertise set office hours specifically for advising  SA&FS students

To Our Peer Advisors

We recommend reaching out to the community for support.

  1. Reinstate the Students for Sustainable Agriculture club with the ASUCDAdvertise set office hours specifically for advising  SA&FS students

    • Reach out to faculty to sponsor club activities (Randy Dahlgren is ready to sponsor the SSA club right now!)

    • The responsible parties for the club will be the peer advisors but they should recruit  other veggies to regularly participate

  2. Put up bulletin board in Bowley with an event calendar and a space for veggies to post needs, interests and shared resources.

  3. Create a SA&FS events Google calendar and share it with SA&FS listserv

    • Veggies can use this to post events they want to invite other veggies to as well

To Our Community

We recommend supporting the peer advisors and community

  1. Attend SA&FS and SSA club events regularly

    • Support peer advisors and club leaders in efforts to build the CSA brand

  2. Be Big Veggies for all the Little Veggies; connect with others and share your knowledge with them

  3. Have diligence in seeking guidance and resources useful for yourselves and the community.

    • Faculty are anxious to share their knowledge and network with SA&FS students

  4. “Don’t be afraid of awkwardness” - Kenna Fallan

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