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Community Supported Academics

“I love SA&FS because it’s a mix of everybody because sustainable agriculture is for everyone; no one doesn’t need sustainable agriculture.”

-Kevin Gavigan, Track III

Community Supported Academics (CSA) is a unique community comprised of students, faculty and other stakeholders within the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SA&FS) major at the University of California, Davis. The title was originally created for a student to student mentorship program within the SA&FS major. The mentorship program was an idea which stemmed from a previous group of seniors and carried over into this senior capstone project. A mentorship program seemed to be a great fit for the problem this capstone project set out to resolve: the need for a cohesive environment within the major where the transfer of information and knowledge is continuous between students, faculty, staff and the university.  As the project progressed the team discovered that there is not a need for a mentorship program among SA&FS students but rather there is a need for more spaces for connections to be made among all stakeholders within the major. SA&FS students have a genuine love of community and should harness that love into a support system which will help everyone be more successful in their endeavors while studying and well into their futures.














CSA is the sustainable solution to success for SA&FS students (“veggies”) and for the SA&FS major (“veggie box”). As SA&FS students, we have the opportunity to become wholesome veggies that are active participants in our SA&FS community. In this community, veggies can connect with other veggies, faculty, and the peer advisors to organize community events that are welcoming for all. Upper division SA&FS students can envision playing the role of Big Veggies that can connect with lower division SA&FS students (Little Veggies) who might benefit from some extra guidance in the major or just need a friend. Our peer advisors have been working hard to encourage collaboration amongst students however with our recommendations we hope to build on their success to reach more students, create more funding opportunities, and absorb the most we can during our time at university.

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