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Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Major (SA&FS)
"A major for the students, by the students..."

"I feel so grateful for this major." 

-Tori Satow, Track II

Peer Internship Coordinator: PIC

Delve into the inner workings of the PIC (your new partner in crime)! For more information on SA&FS internships, click here to go to the SA&FS internship home page.

“SA&FS is real world. It’s applicable and you gain the skills to learn the industry. SA&FS doesn’t baby you. SA&FS is a major where you must self-motivate and find the support/mentorship that works for you. That being said, I’m ready for my post-grad life and SA&FS helped me do that.”

        -Caitlin Horn, Track I

"This major has given me so much. The major challenges us. If it isn't the content, then  it challenges to challenge ourselves.”

                                    -Alison Peraza, Track II



Community Supported Academics: CSA

A team dedicated to finding out exactly what SA&FS students want and need from their major. Visit the Community Supported Academics page to find out more!

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