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PIC Recommendations

2.) SA&FS students need a full-time paid Internship Coordinator


For our community:

a). SA&FS students create a proposal emphasizing the need of a paid Internship Coordinator for the major. This proposal should be backed by the Master Advisor and given to the Dean of the College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences. 

b). Future SA&FS senior capstone group to find and secure a grant funding source for the Internship Coordinator position. 


For our clients:

a). The PIC is an interim position until the administration finds funding to reinstitute a paid Internship Coordinator. While we hope the PIC will be a valuable asset, this internship can in no way fully support students in the way a Full-time, non-undergraduate, Internship Coordinator has in the past and can do so again in the future.

1.) The Peer Internship Coordinator (PIC) must be found successful.


For our community:

a). Community Quarterly and Full-term (Spring-Spring) assessment of the position.

This assessment should include response to:

-the updated Internship Application Form

-student comprehension of the SA&FS learning objectives

-student comprehension of the SA&FS internship process

-time allocation by the PIC among various activities/job duties

- the usefulness of the internship as seen by the students

- the usefulness of the internship as seen by the advisors


For our clients:

a). Encourage SA&FS community to engage positively with the PIC; help PIC negotiate obstacles if they arise through effective communication and using positions of power.

b). Welcome feedback assessment of the PIC position to facilitate the sustainability of the internship.

c). Support the success of SA&FS students through review of the assessment with the Dean’s office to show forward movement but still in need of more help.



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